Money $$
Money is the most important in our life. If no money what can we do in our life? but most of the people finding their way to get more money. I also the same, this few weeks i keep on thinking what i need to do to earn more money? Actually i worry that i finish using money in my bank, because I'm a big money spender. i keep on think what business i need to start. i think every one in real life will think of this method. until now i not yet have the perfect way to balance in my study and work because always not enough time to spend. one day 24 hours can use for do what? what will you choose? in this 24 hours what will we choose? Friends? Money? or Study? really hard to decide what to choose. we just can choose either one, As a Chinese saying goes, even though bear's paw and fish both are invaluable, we could only get to choose one at a time. In other words, there is no way we could get both at one time as we risk losing both by doing so.
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